We're proud to introduce our newest addition to the store,
MOSO natural air purifying bags! Made of 100% bamboo charcoal, these bags will purify the air in your room/car/boat/office of odors, bacteria and allergens, harmful
pollutants, mold, mildew and moisture! Not only are they incredibly powerful, they're super cute too! They come in two sizes and three colors (natural, green and charcoal) The only upkeep is bringing them outside into the sunlight for an hour or so every month, letting the pollutants disintegrate and release.
Come check them out, we're super excited about them, and I'm sure all of us at B&G will have them in our own homes by the end of the week!
An additional note, Lyn and Nancy arrived back from a stellar product scouting trip last week with exciting news of many more new products that will be arriving over the next few months!! We're so lucky to have this dynamic pair out with their keen eye, scouting the universe for great new products and keeping the store fresh and inspiring, thanks guys!